About My Pronounz

I use all pronouns haha you cant misgender me if you wanted to. these are the ones i like most but you can really use any idc (scroll down)

My Pronouns


Example: I saw it at the store and asked it for its opinion. It said it didn't really care.


Example: Nya is such a cute cat, I love nya! Have you seen nyas new outfit? Nya is so fashionable!


Example: Mew is always so friendly, I could talk to mew for hours! I wonder what mews favorite food is. Maybe mew can tell me?


Example: Nya and nyan are such good friends, I love seeing nyans posts on social media. I hope nyan is doing well!


Example: Nyan is always so helpful, I don't know what I'd do without nyans support. Nyan is truly amazing!


Example: I love spending time with purr, purr always knows how to make me feel better. I hope purrs day is going well. Maybe purr can come over later?


Example: Kit is always so adventurous, I envy kit's courage. I wonder what kits favorite book is. Maybe kit can recommend something?


Example: Kitty is so cute and cuddly, I love spending time with kitty. Have you seen kittys new toy? Kitty loves playing with it!


Example: Mew is always so friendly, I could talk to meow for hours! I wonder what mews favorite food is. Maybe meow can tell me?


Example: Meow is so cute, I love seeing meow run around and play. I wonder what meows favorite toy is?


Example: Xe is so cool, I love seeing xem express xyr unique style. I wonder what kind of music xey enjoy?


Example: Whisker is such a great listener, I feel comfortable talking to whisker about anything. I wonder what whiskers favorite food is? Maybe whisker can recommend something!


Example: "I saw claw earlier and clawself told me claw's been practicing claw's guitar skills. I'm excited to hear clawself play!!


Example: Cat is such a beloved pet, many people have a special place in their hearts for cats. I wonder what kind of toys cat likes to play with?


Example: Paw is such an important part of a cat's body, they use paws for many things like grooming, playing, and climbing. I love how soft and warm pawself are!


Example: Tabby is such a curious cat, always exploring and getting into mischief. I wonder what tabbys up to right now? Maybe tabby is napping in a sunbeam somewhere.